Monday, December 8, 2014

I'm an alien here.

Just created my own blog.

lol I thought it would be easy, but err here's what I can do so far. is it fine? lmao hahaha
I heard we will be needing this for school soon, so I thought I should make one in advance although I already have tumblr haha I think this will be fun. Yaaaay Leviiiiii!!

I'm still an alien here btw. idk how things work out. maybe this blog will serve as my diary instead. lol

oh and earlier at MOA arena there's this concert that I was so bitter about. huhu I don't want to mention it but I'm still gonna mention it lmao. The Red Bullet in Manila. ugh I didn't have the chance to meet Park Jimin in person. wow better luck next time. 

Anyways, we don't have classes today (yes today becoz it's 2am and it's already monday haha) because #RubyPH decided to visit Metro Manila. Oh I hope those places where the typhoon is won't be destroyed much and the people there, please be safe! PRAY!

Well, that's it~ I don't have anything to say anymore -_-
Byeeee~ Levi heichou is calling me already. haha


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